Dave Geigle demonstrates his yoyo tricks. Photo Jaime Pitt-MacKayAshburton College students studying German had an alternative learning experience on Wednesday.
The experience came in the form of a lesson from five-time European yo-yo champion Dave Geigle.
The yo-yo-specialist took the students through basics of how to operate the yo-yos, with all but a few vital instructions delivered in German.
Students attempted tricks such as walk the dog and the around the world. Teacher Ken Pow said it was a great way to get the students out of the classroom and doing something a bit different.
“It is great to have a native German speaker in the class as well,” he said.
The Goethe Institute’s German language advisor to New Zealand Heike Papenthin said they were visiting eight schools in New Zealand, five of which are part of the PASCH programme, which the College is part of.
“The programme gives the schools access to scholarships and funding around the teaching of the German language,” she said.
“I was surprised to see yo-yo wasn’t really a thing in New Zealand as it has become a bit of a fad in Germany.
“It is a good sport to try and something culturally different for the students in New Zealand to experience.”
Through associating the actions of the tricks with the German words, Papenthin said she believes it may help the brain with the learning of the language.
By Jaime Pitt-MacKay © The Ashburton Guardian - 31 March 2017