
050219 SS 0014 Mickayla Milmine Law Student Katrina Palmer webMickayla Milmine is looking forward to studying law this year, and is grateful for a scholarship from Ashburton Law Practitioners’ Society, represented by Katrina Palmer (right) and Sarah Baxter. Photo Susan SandysMickayla Milmine enjoys helping others, so can not wait to one day practice law.

The 18-year-old finished Year 13 at Ashburton College last year, and is now pleased to have been selected to receive a $1000 scholarship from Ashburton Law Practitioners’ Society, as she heads off to the University of Canterbury this year.

The scholarship is awarded annually to one Mid Canterbury school graduate who is off to study law.

“I find it really interesting, and I enjoy helping other people,” said Mickayla of her career choice.

Society chairwoman Katrina Palmer and assistant chairwoman Sarah Baxter, who are both lawyers at Tavendale and Partners, had much to recommend about the profession.

“It’s fast paced, it’s challenging, it can be quite diverse, you can go into so many different areas,” said Baxter, who is a property lawyer.

Palmer, who works in agri-law, said her clients and colleagues were the highlight for her.

“All my clients are farmers, it’s quite rewarding helping those sorts of families.”

By Susan Sandys © The Ashburton Guardian -  7 February 2019