
Ben Wakelin2Ben Wakelin. Photo suppliedBen Wakelin’s contribution to the community has helped paved the way for his future career.

The 18-year-old has been volunteering for Ashburton Scouts since he started high school and has also helped to run the lighting and sound side of things at many school and community events.

Now he is working towards a career in lighting after his interest in it developed through volunteering.

“I have found that I love spending time looking for solutions to making events work well when lighting issues arise, and this has led me to the decision to make this a career,” he said.

“Working towards the community service section of my Queen Scout Award got me motivated and my parents have always encouraged me to be giving of my time.

“I really enjoy setting lighting plans and running them and love to make events special for people.”

With scouts, Ben has helped with the redevelopment of the grounds around the scout park and was recently awarded the Totara Award from Rotary.

He’s on the Staveley Camp committee as well, helping prepare for a large upcoming Scouts and Venturers’ event.

He also spends time helping elderly people with jobs around the home.

“I really enjoy working with other people – both my peers and older people,” he said.

“I love the fact that people are surprised by how well I can do the job and how much difference I can make to their event.

“I have enjoyed seeing the scout park getting finished and trying to make it a great place for more scouts to enjoy – a chance to give back to scouts has been great.”

He said while volunteering makes you quite busy, he would definitely recommend it to other students because you’ll always be surprised what you can gain from it.

“I am hoping my interest and the knowledge I have gained will lead to a professional career in lighting, but at the same time I can imagine myself always volunteering in some form,” he said.

“It’s something that gives me enjoyment and scouts has been so amazing for me that I will always want to give back to them.”

© The Ashburton Guardian - 6 May 2017